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Climate Recovery wins IEX Award 2016

It was quite an exciting week for us!

At the IEX Insulation Expo 2016 May 11-12 in Köln, Germany, Climate Recovery beat out companies such as Isover and Kaimann to win the IEX Award. The product nominees ranged from information systems to manufacturing, with the CR Duct System taking home 1st prize.

Pictured from left: Ryan Cekander, Claire, Göran Bernhardsson, Jeroen Rook, Jarl Bengtson

Also during the fair, we made some great new contacts while showing the insulation world that they can work with our system in the same way that the ventilation industry can. We were able to connect with visitors from all over the world, including Europe, the Middle East, and even as far as Asia. People enjoyed seeing the CR Gate, showing the clean look of our round-to-rectangular abilities, and the flat packaged ducts, allowing for 90 meters on a single pallet.

Below you can see the way we are presenting ourselves, with a simple Nordic feel and a little fun with Claire.

We look forward to connecting with you all soon at our next event, wherever in the world that may be!

Discussing the opportunities of moving air without sheet metal


Claire wants YOU to try out Climate Recovery!



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